Selby Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9PL

0161 864 5700

Lostock High School

Inspire - Transform - Succeed


All Lostock High uniform, including PE Kit can be purchased from the following:

Alternatively, if you are interested in buying, selling, or swapping second-hand uniform items, please join this independent Facebook group.


Lostock High School uniform is as follows:

LHS Blazer

LHS tie (clip on preferred for ease)

White shirt

Black trousers or skirt (not fitted and knee length)

LHS jumper (optional)

Black or white socks or black tights

Plain black school shoes (no sports logos)

Black sports top with logo

Black leggings or tracksuit bottoms with logo or plain (no other sports logo)


No jewellery permitted except simple, single studs - no larger than 3mm in diameter (one in each ear) and a wrist watch. Exceptions will be made for example the Kara worn by Sikh males

A hijab or turban should be plain black

No false nails or eye lashes

Make-up to be minimal

Lostock High School PE kit expectations are as follows:

The Lostock High school PE kit’s compulsory items are a black polo shirt with school logo on, black shorts/black tracksuit bottoms/black sports leggings, plain or with school logo on. There are optional items that pupils may wish to purchase to wear over their black polo shirt in cold weather.

No branded sportswear is allowed. 

Pupils are required to bring their full PE kit to all lessons, even if they have a parental note excusing them from the lesson. Any pupil failing to bring their PE Kit will be issued with a school PE kit, and a detention for failing to bring the correct equipment.