Selby Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9PL

0161 864 5700

Lostock High School

Inspire - Transform - Succeed

Religious Education Department

Mrs S Alvi Teacher of Religious Education



In Religious Education our intent is to ENRICH the lives of pupils through a meaningful, relevant and challenging curriculum that connects pupils with their context and equips every student with a skill set and instils important values for their futures. RE plays a vital role in developing our students into respectful and active citizens who can positively contribute to life in modern Britain. We believe that ‘prejudice is the child of ignorance’ and throughout their programme of study students are actively encouraged to take time to understand why people might think or lead their lives differently to others. 

Key Stage Three

In Key Stage 3, students have two forty-five minute lessons per week which are structured around key questions. These allow students to understand and compare how belief and philosophy may influence people’s actions and lives in different ways, as well as developing and challenging their own viewpoint about the world. The Religious Studies curriculum is designed to reflect the local Trafford Agreed syllabus whilst also being adapted to ensure that it is relevant for our school context.

Key Stage Four

At Key Stage 4, students follow the AQA syllabus Specification A. The course consists of two papers. In the study of Paper One students will develop their knowledge of the key beliefs and practices of Christianity and Islam, providing students with the opportunity to understand what it means to be a member of each of these faith communities both in the UK and wider world today. In Paper Two students investigate a range of controversial social issues, such as euthanasia, war capital punishment, from both religious and non-religious viewpoints. Students use this to help articulate their own viewpoint on these widely debated issues.

More information about the current KS4 specification can be found at:


Curriculum Maps

Useful Links

BBC Bitesize Religious Studies -

RS Revision website -